18 Oct Next Steps for The Good Shepherd Foundation
We thought you might enjoy seeing the next step that The Good Shepherd Foundation is taking. A diaspora group who now live in the US and are from Chevre Lombard are called ORACHEL. They have built this structure for funerals, weddings, and community events. They are allowing us to use the first floor to provide our clinic, which you likely remember has been held in the yard of an 87 year old woman for 7 years.
We are beyond excited about this. Bruce, our water expert and treasurer and Michele, our president and founder, are heading to Haiti this week to determine the next steps for us to take to prepare the building for the clinic. We know we need a new latrine and well reconstruction, as well as partitions, windows, and clinic furniture, but they will have a better idea when they return next week. We estimate the costs to be about $6,000 if all goes as expected ( which rarely happens in Haiti!).
We have an English speaking worker who has been assisting us and are about to send in a Rotary Global Grant, with the support of the Gonaives Memorial Rotary, about an hour north of us and are embarking on improving our medical records and a demographic study.
This is an amazing time for us. I thought you would want to hear all this, due to your support of TGSF for so many years. I ask for your prayers as Bruce and Michele travel there this week to take the next steps to provide an indoor clinic (imagine the privacy we can then provide!) and finalize our Rotary Global Grant.